I recently saw a poster that read, “The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you don’t understand yourself.” Since I have been at this institute of learning I have come to realize that life is about becoming aware of who you are and what you believe in. Over the past few years I have sincerely tried to apply this principle in my life. Though some days I might falter and forget, I have become closer to the Lord and learned to appreciate my talents and achievements. As I have grown older and adjusted to being an independent, I have become more able to situate myself in social settings and adapt to those around me. I acknowledge the many different personalities and culture of the people I come in contact with, making it easier to interact on a daily basis. Through applying myself daily I came to learn that my passion was in communications. As I started my first communications class I truly felt Heavenly Fathers presence and knew that I was where I was supposed to be. I know that through them my presence here would not be possible, and that they have guided me in the write career path.